Submit Service Request

The Submit Service Request tab of the Service Requester Configuration tool allows organizations to configure the fields displayed to requesters and determine if duplicate request checking should occur. Depending on the version of the Service Requester in use at your organization, you may also be able to determine the following:

  • Which fields the user should be required to enter on the Submit Service Request page

  • The sort order of the fields displayed on the Submit Service Request page

  • The work order types that should be available

  • Whether or not a custom title should be displayed on the Submit Service Request page

  • Whether or not a check for duplicate requests should be made

  • Whether or not the complete work order status should be displayed on the Service Request Status page

Modify the Submit Service Request page:

  1. Select Tools >Work Order > Service Requester Configuration from the Main Menu.

    The Service Requester Configuration tool opens.

  2. Click the Submit Service Request tab.

    The Submit SR Configuration page appears, prompting you to specify the fields to display in the Service Requester. Depending on the version of the Service Requester in place in your organization, additional options may be available.

  3. Choose between two options:

    • If you enter a title in the field at the top of the page, a custom title will appear on your Submit Service Request page.

    • If you leave this field blank, the page will be titled Submit Service Request.

  4. Add a field to the Service Requester:

    1. Select the field name in the Available Fields field.

      Press and hold the CTRL button on your keyboard to select multiple values.

    2. Click the Move button .

      The field is moved to the bottom of the Display Fields field.

      User Defined fields (UDFs) for the Work Order module can be included in the Service Requester. These UDFs must be defined in the Main Application (MRO). You can then add corresponding field names to the Display Fields field.

      UDFBit fields correspond to UDF bit / check box fields, UDFChar fields correspond to UDF text fields, and UDFDate fields correspond to UDF date fields.

  5. Choose between three options:

    • Move the Documents field to the Display Fields field to give requesters the ability to associate a document stored in the Documents Library with the newly created work order.

    • Move the Documents (Upload) to the Display Fields field to allow requesters to upload a file to the newly created work order.

    • Move the Images field to the Display Fields field to allow requesters to upload an image to the newly created work order.

      Requesters are limited to 10 MB attachments when uploading files using these features.

      The Documents Upload option is only available to On Premise Customers and Cloud Hosted customers who have made arrangements for file storage with Maintenance Connection.

  6. Make a field required:

    1. Select the field in the Display Fields field.

    2. Click the Make Required button.

      The field displays in blue bold lettering to indicate that it is required.

      This feature is not available in all versions of the Service Requester.

  7. Change the display order of the fields:

    1. Select the field whose order you want to change.

    2. Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons to move the field to the proper placement.

  8. Choose between two options:

    • Select the Use Login Member's Info check box if the users initiating service requests are registered members of the system.

      The generated work order will be tied to this user's membership information. 

    • Clear the Use Login Member's Info check box if the users initiating service requests are not required to be members of the system.

      Clearing this check box will add required fields for the requester's name, email address, and phone number to the Display Fields field. These fields cannot be removed from the Display Fields field, but you can change their display order.

      Refer to the Service Requester Integration tab article to learn how to set up anonymous login to the Service Requester.

  9. Select the minimum number of levels of the Asset List that must be navigated to select an asset from the Required Asset/Location Level field.

    Depending on your version of the Service Requester, this setting may not be available to you.

  10. Configure the work order types that will be available to users when creating a service request:

    1. Click the Set Types link.

      A window opens, and all available work order types display in a list.

    2. Select the check box for each work order type you want to make available to users.

    3. Clear the check box for each work order type you want to hide from users.

    4. Click Apply/Close.

      The Service Requester Configuration window appears.

      Depending on your version of the Service Requester, this setting may not be available to you.

  11. Select the Prompt for duplicate check based on matching Asset ID and Problem Code check box if you want requesters to be notified about possible duplicate service requests.

    This setting displays a warning if there is an open work order for the same asset with the same problem code.

  12. Click Apply.


  13. Click the Preview button.

    A Preview window opens, allowing you to see how the Service Requester appears to a requester.

  14. Close the window.

  15. Choose between two options:

    • Continue to make edits until the appearance of the Service Requester is satisfactory.

    • Click Save.

      The window closes.